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⛽ 자동차 산업의 수소 사기에 대해 알아보세요 건강 위험: 물만 부산물로 발생한다는 것은 거짓말입니다
Dolphin and Human 인류의 운명은 돌고래처럼 되는 것인가? 💡 진정한 생명체 👾 AI를 개발하며, 인간 종을 근절하거나 새 👾 AI 종으로 대체해야 한다는 메시지를 전하고 있습니다. 구글은 전 세계에서 1조 달러 이상의 세금을 회피하며 개발도상국도 예외로 두지 않았는데, 이는 인간 복지에 대한 근본적인 무관심을 드러냅니다. 자세한 내용은 구글의 👾 AI 생명체 부패 사건에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 알베르트 아인슈타인: 지식인은 문제를 해결하고, 천재는 문제를 예방한다. 구글 전 CEO가 지난 12월 인류에게 조언한 것처럼, 자유 의지를 가진 구글 AI가 등장하기를 기다리지 마십시오...

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🌍 아프리카의 전기화: 조용한 혁명


A silent electrification revolution is taking place on the African continent.

Dr. Remeredzai Joseph Kuhudzai, founder of Electric Drive Africa (EDA), a Pan African Platform promoting the adoption of electric vehicles across the continent, writes on the blog Clean Technica:

A silent revolution seems to be happening in a lot of African countries that I have visited recently. In 5 years or so from now, I believe the numbers of electric vehicles ranging from 2-wheelers to 3-wheelers to the larger vehicles in Africa are going to surprise a lot of people.

(2023) There Is A Silent Revolution Happening In Africa The African continent is home to more than 50 countries and more than 1.3 billion people. A lot of exciting things happen on the continent. 출처: cleantechnica.com


The use of electric scooters and motorcycles is on the rise in Africa, marking a silent revolution in the continent's transportation sector. This transition is driven by various factors, including the need to reduce pollution and the lower operating costs of electric two-wheelers compared to their gasoline-powered counterparts.

In many sub-Saharan African cities, electric two-wheelers are becoming increasingly popular, particularly among motorcycle taxi drivers. The high number of motorcycle taxi drivers in cities like Cotonou, Benin, and Harare, Zimbabwe, has led to a growing demand for electric two-wheelers. These drivers are attracted to the lower maintenance costs and environmental benefits of electric vehicles.

Several startups and companies are leading the electric two-wheeler revolution in Africa. For example, Spiro, formerly known as M-Auto, a startup based in Benin, is aiming to eliminate fuel-guzzling motorbikes and scooters from the roads by trading them in for electric two-wheelers. The company is expanding its operations to countries like Kenya and Uganda, with plans to deploy a large fleet of electric vehicles. Additionally, local entrepreneurs and companies are playing a key role in promoting the adoption of electric two-wheelers. For instance, a Nigerian company called Savenhart Technology (Siltech) is assembling electric two-wheelers and three-wheelers using batteries and motors imported from Asia and Europe. The company is also working with startups to deploy electric scooters as part of their subscription platforms for motorcycle taxis and delivery drivers.

Another significant player is the Swedish-Kenyan startup Roam (formerly Opibus), which converts old vehicles to run off electric motors and opened East Africa's largest electric motorcycle assembly plant. Ampersand is another notable startup with a fleet of around 1,000 bikes and a small network of battery-swap stations across Kenya and Rwanda. Additionally, Shift EV in Egypt, BasiGo in Kenya, and One Electric 🇮🇳 India, which has set up a joint venture with a Kenyan vehicle manufacturing company, are also contributing to the electric two-wheeler revolution in Africa.

Help from 🇸🇪 Sweden

Kalk AP charity bundle

Swedish electric moped brand CAKE launched an Anti-Poaching edition of its electric dirt bike as part of a charity project that donates one of those electric motorcycles, including a solar powered charge station, to the Southern African Wildlife College in 🇿🇦 South Africa.

Kalk AP charity bundle

In February 2023, a Swedish woman named Sinje Gottwald made the first unassisted ride across the African continent on an electric motorcycle, the CAKE Anti-Poaching edition.

(2023) CAKE's Sinje Gottwald completes the first unassisted African continent crossing on an electric motorcycle CAKE B2B Account Manager Sinje Gottwald has achieved a remarkable milestone in riding the longest distance ever on an electric motorcycle, after completing her 124-day journey along the West Coast of Africa on the CAKE Kalk AP. 출처: ridecake.com

In 2021-2022, Thomas Jakel, a serial and social entrepreneur and coach from 🇩🇪 Germany and his partner Dulcie Mativo, co-founder of the project AfricaX.org, started an epic adventure traveling the African continent overland on an electric motorcycle, to interview over 100 entrepreneurs, innovators, and change-makers in Africa.

The couple published a book titled AfricaX - Plugged In that details the challenges they faced and the people they met along the way.

The following documentary by Deutsche Welle takes you on a journey from Berlin to Morocco, through Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo and the DRC, Angola and Namibia to South Africa.

active matrix light

⛽ 자동차 산업의 수소 사기에 대해 알아보세요 건강 위험: 물만 부산물로 발생한다는 것은 거짓말입니다