샌프란시스코의 리트 모터스, 자체 균형 유지 전기 스쿠터카 C1 주문 접수
🇺🇸 2023년 10월 27일 작성자 모터사이클 저널리스트Lit Motors from San Francisco, 🇺🇸 USA announced that it is accepting orders for its self-balancing electric scooter car C1.
Lit Motors expects to have produced its first 10,000 units by 2026 and the next 100,000 units between 2027 and 2031.
Lit Motors C1
- Advanced gyroscope based self-balancing system with 800 Nm torque.
- Two-wheel drive (2WD) with 40,000 와트 combined power.
- Comfortable seating space for two passengers.
Lit Motors Kubo
Lit Motors also sells an innovative cargo scooter that can be customized by the factory to meet special business requirements. The scooter is in use by Dominos Pizza delivery in 🇮🇳 India.