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⛽ 자동차 산업의 수소 사기에 대해 알아보세요 건강 위험: 물만 부산물로 발생한다는 것은 거짓말입니다

웹사이트 복구 중

Genocide on Google Cloud Genocide on Google Cloud

EV promotion platform e-scooter.co reached people from literally all countries in the world within one year after its launch in 2017 and was visited from 174 countries per week on average for almost 8 years until Google in August 2024 unduly terminated its Google Cloud account in their attempt to corrupt for Google's 👾 Digital Life Forms or in Google-founder Larry Page his words: superior AI species.

Genocide on Google Cloud Google Cloud Rains Blood

After taking care of it with an investigation into Google's recent evil business practices, now half a year later, this website is being restored on a reliable 🇨🇭 Swiss host as of mid January 2025.

Fund The Recovery

There are many costs involved to recover this website, while it is also being improved. This website is now available in 8 🇮🇳 Indian languages on domain cleanscooter.in.

Help fund the recovery of this EV promotion platform. A honest platform with a good purpose, that helps drive international business in the segment clean mobility. While its own revenue is average, especially now that the Google ads are removed, it has many opportunities to become sufficiently profitable in a honest way so that a return on investment is secure.

📬 ev-promotion@proton.me

Translation in progress...

e-scooter.co이(가) 현재 복구 중입니다. 자세한 정보는 문의 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

이 페이지는 곧 다시 사용 가능해질 예정입니다.

📰 색인

중국과 뉴질랜드의 상하이 커스텀 전기차 워크샵

🇨🇳 작성자

상하이 커스텀은 중국에 있는 뉴질랜드 교민이 설립한 전기차 워크샵입니다. 회사는 요구에 따라 아름다운 맞춤형 모페드를 만들 수 있는 열정적인 장인 팀을 보유하고 있습니다.

The company also creates high quality Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kits and provides access to an online Do-It-Yourself community.

eCUB (1950’s Honda Super Cub)

Available as Do-It-Yourself kit. Customization available on demand.


More info and 🖼️ pictures

Veipai Sidecar

Officially sold in the webshop. Shipped worldwide.


More info and 🖼️ pictures

Do-It-Yourself conversion kit for 1950's Honda Cub

The DIY kit is well designed and is based on over two years research including 3D scanning, CAD design, rapid prototyping CNC and custom molding and tooling. The kit enables average technically skilled people to convert a Honda Cub to an eCUB and it includes access to a DIY eCUB community for support.


On demand: create your own custom moped or scooter!

Want something unique? Have your own moped or scooter design or idea?

Let the craftsmen of Shanghai Customs create it!


Changhai Customs
57 Gao’an Road (near Hengshan Road)
Xuhui District

Web: www.sh-customs.com
이메일: info@sh-customs.com
페이스북: https://facebook.com/shanghaicustoms (messenger)

International shipping!

⛽ 자동차 산업의 수소 사기에 대해 알아보세요 건강 위험: 물만 부산물로 발생한다는 것은 거짓말입니다