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Citroën Ami

주행 거리
70 km
Charge Time
180 분
6 kW (8 마력)
밀폐형/지붕 있는 차량
기계식 동력 전달 장치
🇫🇷 프랑스에서 제작
⭐ 🇰🇷 39 -3
배터리 수명
2000 사이클
6 kW (8 마력)
주행 거리
70 km
25 km/h 및 45 km/h
Charge Time
180 분
최고 속도
45 km/h

Citroën Ami 1961 (model 8)

The Ami is designed as a efficient moped city car that can be used without a driving license. The car category is described as a enclosed scooter. In many cities, the car can be parked on the sidewalk for free.

The car has a powerful 6,000 와트 electric motor for a top speed of 45 km/h. The motor provides instant torque for fast acceleration.

The car has a 5.5 kWh lithium battery for a driving range of 70 km. The car has a built in charger (220v) and can be charged at fast charge stations.

The car provides comfortable space for 2 passengers.

The car is 1.39m wide, 2.41m long, 1.52m high and has a turning diameter of 7.2m.

The car is available for purchase (ownership) and Citroën provides a special long term rental option that enables to drive the car for a monthly rental fee of €19,99 euro. The car is intended to be accessible for low costs.

The car is available in many styles and color combinations and can be customized. The car is designed as a fashionable item.

The car can be ordered at Citroën dealerships.

active matrix light

한국 Seller

Citroen Korea 16F, 511, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-guSeoul06164🇰🇷 대한민국


PSA Automobiles Citroën SA 1 Impasse des Prés MoussusNoidans-lès-Vesoul70000🇫🇷 프랑스
핸드폰+33 51149


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